Welcome to the website of AESBO

The Beekeepers' association of Oudomxay in Laos




The Beekeepers' association of Oudomxay , AESBO,( Association for Extension of Sustainable Natural Beekeeping, Oudomxay) exists since 2012. It answers the need of beekeepers to keep in touch with each other and share experiences on the many challenges beekeeping face. It has close links with environmental and food security issues.

The members develop sustainable beekeeping methods based on local resources with respect of the environment ,of local culture and know how and respecting the supporting role for agriculture, nature and food security.

The Association will develop and grow further providing basic training in beekeeping with follow up. It links up beekeepers in different villages to share experiences together. Beekeepers organize themselves in different groups  and  ensures sustainability of the association.
The association supports its members to develop better marketing strategies.
The association supports planting of multipurpose bee flora s.a. medicinal cardamom, fruit trees and agricultural products.
It campaigns for pesticide free agriculture and home gardens with links to nutrition in general.
There are campaigns on gender issues, to open up opportunities for women in the society and women in apiculture.

designing a bee garden
designing a bee garden
making wax sheets
making wax sheets


inspecting a hive

AESBO is funded by different donors :

- Fastenopfer Switserland

- Misereor  Germany